Our donation to Bay Area Meals on Wheels in January was $340.00. This is far better than the $305 total for September and October combined. Our donations in 2024 were $2,050 plus $175 given in our speakers’ names. Thank you to all who donated.

We had a letter from Bay Area Meals on Wheels thanking us for our past donations totaling $33,1997.32 since 1994.

Since we only collect for Bay Area Meals on Wheels eight months of the year and they provide meals twelve months of the year with grocery prices continuing to rise, I hope we can do even better in 2025.

You can also write a check to Bay Area Meals on Wheels at 14045 Space Center Blvd, Houston, TX 77062.

Jean Raffetto, Parliamentarian Chair

Caring for America

Events & Meetings

Greater Houston Council of Federated Republican Women Nuts N Bolts Training Workshop

February 18
Houston 8:30 a.m. Trini Mendenhall Community Center More Info

Galveston Republican Women

February 19
Galveston 11:30 a.m. San Luis Resort More Info

BARW Lunch Meeting

February 25
Houston 11:00 a.m. Bay Oaks Country Club More Info