President Risinger and I attended the annual banquet of the Bay Area Meals on Wheels at Gloria Day Lutheran Church in Nassau Bay on March 21. During the program, Sandi Louvet, Treasurer, announced that Bay Area Women had donated $2,269 in 2023.
She further announced that Bay Area Republican Women started donating to Bay Are Meals on Wheels in 1994.and its members have given $31,147.32 since that time. Let’s give ourselves a big “Hip Hip Hooray”! That amount of money has made a big difference to Bay Area Meals on Wheels and they really appreciate it.
You made a donation of $306 in April, down from the previous month which was over $400. Let’s try to do a lot better at our May meeting as we do not meet again until August.
Volunteers are needed for Bay Area Meals on Wheels to help out when some regulars are on vacation, etc. If you are interested, please contact Chris Hendricks, Volunteer Coordinator, at 281- 406-4961.
Jean Raffetto, Parliamentarian Chair
Caring for America